تمت كتابة هذه المقالة كمحاضرة تم إلقاؤها في جامعة الأمير سلطان في الرياض برعاية مجموعة RSUG
Create empty SharePoint project
- You should change http://stg-sp2010 to your URL.
Add new visual web part
- Change Feature1 --> RSUGHelloSharePoint2010Feature
Change web part namespace
Change web part control location
Add public property
Visual web part localization
Deployment and Usage
- You should change http://stg-sp2010 to your URL.
Add new visual web part
- Change Feature1 --> RSUGHelloSharePoint2010Feature
Change web part namespace
1. Open RSUGHelloSharePoint2010.cs file and change the name space of RSUGHelloSharePoint2010 class to RSUGVisualWebPart01.
2. Open RSUGHelloSharePoint2010.webpart file.
3. Change name attribute value to RSUGVisualWebPart01.RSUGHelloSharePoint2010, $SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$.
3. Change name attribute value to RSUGVisualWebPart01.RSUGHelloSharePoint2010, $SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$.
4. Open RSUGHelloSharePoint2010UserControl.ascx.cs.
5. Change namespace of RSUGHelloSharePoint2010UserControl class to RSUGVisualWebPart01.
5. Change namespace of RSUGHelloSharePoint2010UserControl class to RSUGVisualWebPart01.
6. Open RSUGHelloSharePoint2010UserControl.ascx file.
7. Change Inherits attribute value to RSUGVisualWebPart01.RSUGHelloSharePoint2010UserCon trol.
7. Change Inherits attribute value to RSUGVisualWebPart01.RSUGHelloSharePoint2010UserCon trol.
8. Open SharePointProjectItem.spdata file.
9. Change Namespace attribute value to RSUGVisualWebPart01.
9. Change Namespace attribute value to RSUGVisualWebPart01.
Change web part control location
1. Open Elements.xml file.
2. Change Value attribute of Group property value to RSUG.
2. Change Value attribute of Group property value to RSUG.
3. Open RSUGHelloSharePoint2010.cs file.
4. Change value of _ascxPath variable to @"~/_CONTROLTEMPLATES/RSUG/RSUGHelloSharePoint2010UserControl.ascx".
4. Change value of _ascxPath variable to @"~/_CONTROLTEMPLATES/RSUG/RSUGHelloSharePoint2010UserControl.ascx".
5. Open SharePointProjectItem.spdata file and change value of Target attribute to CONTROLTEMPLATES\RSUG\.
Add public property
1. Open RSUGHelloSharePoint2010UserControl.ascx file and add the following code to end of the file:
2. Open RSUGHelloSharePoint2010UserControl.ascx.cs file and add the following code:
3. Open RSUGHelloSharePoint2010.cs file and add MyHello public property as following:
4. Update CreateChildControls method code to be as following:
Visual web part localization
1. Add mapping to resources folder.
2. Add resource file “rsugvisualwebpart01.ar-sa.resx”.
3. Open Elements.xml file and change value of Value property as following:
4. Open RSUGHelloSharePoint2010.webpart file and change Title property value as following:
5. Take copy from rsugvisualwebpart01.ar-sa.resx file rename it to rsugvisualwebpart01.en-us.resx.
Deployment and Usage
1. Create web part page and press “Add web part” on one of web part zones.
السلام عليكم
ردحذفأرجو أن تساعدوني في مشكلتي
الخطوات :
1. عندما أنشأ مشروع جديد على Visual Studio 2010 من نوع Empty SharePoint Project
2. أغيير في خصائص المشروع Assembly Deployment Target إلى WebApplication
3. أضيف للمشروع عنصر من نوع Visual Web Part وأغيير Deployment Type لملف الASCX إلى قيمة ApplicationResource
الخطأ الذي يحدث عندها هو أن أي كونترول يضاف على الASCX لا يضاف داخل ملف Designer.CS بمعنى أنني لا أستطيع أن أكتب له أي تعليمات برمجية
وأضطر لإضافته في Designer.CS يدوياً
أرجو أن تكون المشكلة واضحة ،، وأن تتمكن مساعدتي